Eagle Photo Editing PicsArt Tutorial


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Certainly! Here's a step-by-step tutorial for changing the background of a photo using PicsArt:

1. **Open PicsArt:**

   - Launch the PicsArt app on your device.

2. **Upload Your Photo:**

   - Tap on the "+" or "Add" icon to upload the photo you want to edit.

3. **Select Background Tool:**

   - Look for the "Tools" section and choose the "Background" tool.

4. **Remove Current Background:**

   - Use the eraser tool to remove the current background. Zoom in for precision.

5. **Choose New Background:**

   - Tap on the "+" icon again, select "Images," and choose a new background image from your gallery or PicsArt's collection.

6. **Adjust Layers:**

   - Arrange the layers so that the new background is behind the main subject.

7. **Refine Edges:**

   - Use the eraser or brush tool to refine edges and make the transition between the subject and the new background seamless.

8. **Apply Effects (Optional):**

   - Add filters or effects to enhance the overall look. Experiment with various options.

9. **Save Your Edit:**

   - Once satisfied, save your edited photo to your device.

That's it! You've successfully changed the background of your photo using PicsArt. Adjustments might vary based on the app version, so explore and adapt as needed.

Adding a photo on a PNG in PicsArt involves layering. Here's a quick tutorial:

1. **Open PicsArt:**

   - Launch the PicsArt app on your device.

2. **Upload PNG Image:**

   - Tap on the "+" or "Add" icon to upload the PNG image you want to use as the base.

3. **Add Photo Layer:**

   - Tap on the "+" again, select "Images," and choose the photo you want to add. This will be placed as a new layer.

4. **Adjust Layer Order:**

   - Arrange the layers so that the photo layer is above the PNG layer. You can do this in the layers panel.

5. **Resize and Position:**

   - Resize and reposition the photo as needed. Pinch to adjust size and drag to position.

6. **Blend and Erase (Optional):**

   - Experiment with blending modes for creative effects. You can also use the eraser tool to selectively remove parts of the photo.

7. **Adjust Opacity (Optional):**

   - If the photo seems too prominent, adjust the opacity of the photo layer to blend it with the PNG background.

8. **Apply Effects (Optional):**

   - Add any additional effects or filters to enhance the overall look.

9. **Save Your Edit:**

   - Once satisfied, save your edited image to your device.

Now you've successfully added a photo on a PNG in PicsArt. Feel free to experiment with different tools and effects for your desired outcome

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